Website update 15/6/22
We’ve been hard at work over the past few days integrating and improving things further on the website. Let’s run down what we’ve done.
A lot of love has been going into our R081 courses. This includes finishing off integrating the ability to listen to the lessons instead of just read them which is a great way to add accessibility to the courses and gives students another way to access the learning. The process for adding this was rather long but I really think that it makes a big difference and I’m glad that it is there for all of our R081 courses.
As we have been going through the courses, we also picked up on a few errors in what we had written so these have been fixed as we have been going through.
Our other job over the past few days has been to integrate some further SEO into the site to help improve our site rankings on Google and Bing etc. SEO is certainly something of a dark art form, but the plugin we now have to do it, is awesome and really makes the process super simple. Again this has been something that takes a bit of time, but should be one of those things that improves the site in the long run and we should only have to do every so often.
Page improvements
As part of our SEO improvements we’ve also been making improvements to some of the pages on the website. This has been mainly expanding what we have written to really offer some great insights into the iMedia course and providing more links to other pages that are on the website. We haven’t just put random links on either – we’ve put links in that make sense, for example, if you are looking at our R081 flash cards, it might stand to reason that you may also find our R081 quizzes interesting. Little things like this really help people to know what we do and adds benefit to the user experience.
Lots more to do
OK so while it doesn’t seem like we’ve done much, it has actually taken a long time to implement all of these things (adding all the voices to the courses took most of Tuesday!) but we’ve not done yet! We still have the rest of this week to complete the rest of our big to do list so expect another update later on this week telling you how far we have got on the rest of the site updates. We’ve got the certificates to do for the courses, more SEO work to do and we need to hook the courses up so that students can earn their iMedia points from them. And, we can’t also forget that we need to go through and finish testing the courses as well to ensure that all of them function correctly for the quizzes.
It’s been great working on the site again this week and I’m really looking forward to getting more of it done and being able to see what you think of it.
I really hope that the site helps you out. If you can help to support its development and on going server costs, please think about making a donation via our Kofi page – every little bit helps and we’re extremely grateful for any contribution.
Thanks for reading and supporting the site.