
What is R091

R091 is an optional coursework component of the Creative iMedia course and is worth 25% of your overall grade. Your teacher will choose which of the optional coursework modules you need to complete. Please ask your teacher if you are unsure which of the optional modules you will be doing.

What is covered in R091?

R091 is all about designing a game concept.

OCR give out a few set projects that all involve designing a game concept for a different scenario and your teacher will generally choose which scenario your class (or you) will complete.

The project will involve you using appropriate word processing or presentation software (such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Write or Google Slides) to design your game concept.

How is R091 split up?

R091 is split into 4 main Learning Objectives (or LO for short):

  • LO1
  • LO2
  • LO3
  • LO4


Understand game types, hardware platforms and the evolution of computer games and hardware


Plan an original digital game concept


Design an original game concept proposal


Evaluate and review the proposal for your original game concept

R091 advice


In LO1 you will be required to do some research into different game genres, different hardware that games can be played on and how computer games and hardware have changed over the years. This research will need to be your own work and should not be copied from another website. You will need to write the report in your own words as the person marking it will check and will find out if all or some of it is copied.


In LO2 you will be given a client brief that you will be asked to analyse. This should be printed out and the key parts of the task you are being asked to do should be highlighted as well as any information related to the specification.

As part of this section you will need to generate some ideas based upon the client brief and should produce a mind map and a mood board to show your ideas.

You will also need to create a work plan which will show how you intend to develop your original game concept proposal.


LO3 is where you will actually create your original game concept proposal. You should include a number of things within this – not just text. Images or sketches could be used as well as mock ups of backgrounds for example. It is worth noting that this is simply a concept proposal – you are not expected to provide a fully finished game as part of this module.

When finished your proposal should be exported into the specification that is asked for on the client brief.


LO4 is where you will evaluate your original game concept proposal. You should use the highlighted client brief and discuss how you have implemented all of the things that the client has asked for in the brief (the highlighted parts). You should also say which part of the concept and proposal you think have been done well and which parts you might improve or expand upon if you were given more time to do the project.

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