What is R085
R085 is an optional coursework component of the Creative iMedia course and is worth 25% of your overall grade. Your teacher will choose which of the optional coursework modules you need to complete. Please ask your teacher if you are unsure which of the optional modules you will be doing.
What is covered in R085?
R085 is all about creating a multipage website in response to a client brief.
OCR give out a few set projects that all involve creating a multipage website for a different scenario and your teacher will generally choose which scenario your class (or you) will complete.
The project will involve you using appropriate website building software (such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Serif Web Plus or Microsoft Expression) to create a multipage website.
How is R085 split up?
R085 is split into 4 main Learning Objectives (or LO for short):
- LO1
- LO2
- LO3
- LO4
Understand the properties and uses of websites
Plan a multipage website in response to a client brief
Create a multipage website in response to a client brief
Evaluate and review the multipage website that you created
R085 advice
LO1 is where you will need to research different types of websites and discuss the individual components of these sites. You need to choose roughly 5 and talk about the different website features such as navigation bars, search buttons, menu options, images used and how the websites have been built to dynamically resize depending on what sort of device is accessing it.
You also need to discuss the different devices that can connect to the website and also the different methods of connecting to a website. Ensure that you do not simply copy information from a website for this section. Doing so will get you a mark of 0 and it will be spotted by the person marking your coursework.
LO2 is where you will be given the set client brief which you will have to analyse. It is recommended that you print this off and highlight all of the key tasks that you are expected to do by the client and the key specifications of what you have to produce. You will need to discuss all of these highlighted parts as part of your report.
You will also need to generate ideas for your creation of the website that the client has asked you to build. These ideas can be generated using a mind map and a mood board to show the person marking your coursework where your ideas have come from.
As part of LO2 you will also need to create a work plan to show how you will build the website and how long each section will take to make and also produce a visualisation diagram and a site map of the finished site. You may find it easier to produce the site map and the visualisation diagram after you have completed the website.
LO3 is where you will create the website in a professional website application such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Serif Web Plus. You will be expected to create a template for the pages of the website so that they all look the same. You will also be expected to include some links to external websites as part of your site.
LO4 is where you will evaluate the website that you have produced for the client brief. Use your highlighted client brief and talk about how you have implemented what the client wanted into the website that you have built.
You should also discuss what you think you have done well in the website and what you could improve or extend if you were given more time on the project.