
What is R082?

R082 is the mandatory coursework component of the course and is worth 25% of your overall grade. It is 1 of the 2 mandatory modules that you have to take, the other being R081 which is the exam component.

As it is mandatory, you have to do this piece of coursework and your teacher will give you time during your lessons and at school to do this coursework.

It is expected that the coursework is done supervised i.e with your teacher, in a classroom and you will be given information by your teacher on what is and isn’t acceptable when completing your coursework.

As part of your R082 coursework, you will be given a a set project to do by your teacher. This will include a client brief that you will be expected to follow as you are doing your coursework.

What is covered in R082?

R082 is all about the creation of digital graphics.

The exam board (OCR) give out a few set projects that all involve creating a digital graphic for a different scenario and generally your teacher will choose which scenario your class (or you) will complete.

You will use appropriate image editing software (such as Adobe Photoshop, Serif Draw Plus, Krita, G.I.M.P etc) to create the finished digital graphic.

R082 goes right through the process of digital graphic creation from initial research, being given a client brief (this is the set task), generating ideas for the digital graphic (using a mind map or a mood board for example), creating the digital graphic in a professional graphics program and finally evaluating your digital graphic.

What is the set project?

The set project will be given to your by your teacher. They will make the final decision and choice about which set project the class will do. OCR give schools a number of projects that they can choose from and this will be chosen based on the skill set of the teaching staff, the software and hardware available or what they think the students might enjoy. As part of the set project, you will be given a client brief that contains a scenario where you will need to produce a digital graphic for a specific customer.

How is R082 split up?

R082 is split up into 4 main Learning Objectives (or LO for short):

  • LO1
  • LO2
  • LO3
  • LO4



For LO1 OCR expect you to:

  • Explain how digital graphics are used in different contexts
  • Explain the purposes of digital graphics
  • Explain the properties of digital graphics


For LO2 OCR expect you to:

  • Interpret the clients requirements
  • Plan and produce pre-production documents for creating the product
  • Consider legal restrictions that will need to be considered
  • Collect the assets required to create the product


For LO3 OCR expect you to:

  • Create the digital graphic using appropriate image creation software
  • Deliver the digital graphic in the correct size and format


For LO4 OCR expect you to:

  • Evaluate the digital graphic that you have made
  • Suggest improvements

R082 advice

  1. The most important piece of advice for R082 is below in bold letters and for good reason:

Do not copy any information from websites or textbooks!

This is called plagiarism and as a marker I have seen it time and time again where students have simply copied the information from a website. Your teacher will check your work thoroughly and will be putting sentences into search engines as part of this. If it comes back that you have copied your work from a website then you will get a 0 mark for the coursework. Don’t do it!

2. Ensure that your pre-production documents are neat and tidy. Ensure that they are labelled, clear and contain all of the information that they should. For the mind map for example, have you included nodes and sub nodes around colour, target audience, layout, etc?

3. Highlight all the keywords in the client brief when it is given to you. This will make your job much easier when you have to analyse it and write down all of the key information and will show the person marking your work that you have thought about everything.

4. In your workplan always include contingencies. This is in case something in your project overruns or something takes longer than expected – label it as contingencies on the work plan.

5. You may find it easier to draw out your visualisation diagram after you have completed the digital graphic. Remember that you don’t need to get the visualisation diagram spot on as changes are bound to occur and it will give you something to talk about in LO4 when you review your finished product.

Remember that you are not expected to be Picasso if you are drawing out your visualisation diagram. It is supposed to be a rough sketch. Stick figures of people is fine, or blocks where pictures will go with a description is fine. Ensure that it is labelled, neat and annotations are provided where needed.

Books for R082

OCR Creative iMedia Cambridge National Level 1/2 text book

This book gives you all the information that you need to get you through the Creative iMedia course. It covers R081 and all of the coursework modules (R082 – R092) so this is really the one stop companion book for the Creative iMedia course that will last you from the start to the finish of the course.

Well written and very helpful – if you can afford this book this is the one that I would recommend.

Please note that these links are affiliate links that will take you to Amazon.

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