In this page I’d like to guide you through what the Creative iMedia course is, and make sure that you have all the information that you need to ensure you can make the right choice if you are considering the course as one of your learning options.
Please note – this introduction covers the new specification J834 which will first be taught in September 2022. This page is based upon the draft specification from OCR so while we expect most things to stay the same, there may be some alterations before the start of the course.
What is Creative iMedia?
Creative iMedia is a KS4 Cambridge National qualification offered by the exam board OCR. Cambridge National qualifications are comparable to GCSE’s.
The Creative iMedia course is split up into 3 parts for the J834 Certificate (a full GCSE):
- R093 – a mandatory exam worth 40% of your final grade
- R094 – a mandatory coursework module worth 30% of your final grade
- A second coursework module (R095 – R099) normally chosen by the teacher worth 30% of your final grade
The 1 optional module is normally chosen by the teacher teaching the course dependent on school equipment and expertise in the department.
When do I do the coursework?
The coursework will be scheduled to take place during your normal lessons but you will only be given a set amount of time to complete the modules (as there is a lot to get through!) so you will need to ensure that you are working at pace in lessons. Coursework is required to be done while under supervision so it must be completed with the teacher present.
When will I hand in the coursework?
Your teacher will tell you when you need to hand in your coursework and should give you a set timetable for this. With 2 coursework modules to do, you will be given equal time for each one and you will be submitting them to your teacher for marking at regular intervals. If you didn’t do well in your first submission of a coursework module, you are allowed to resubmit with corrections only once per coursework module.
When do I do the R093 exam?
The exam can be done at any time during the 2 year course – your teacher will decide when you will be entered into the exam. There are 2 points in the year when exams take place, normally in January and May/June (summer). Your teacher may decide to enter you into the R093 exam early or they may decide to enter you into the exam when you take the rest of your exams in the summer of Year 11. As you can retake the exam (but only once) most teachers choose to enter students in a January sitting then if they don’t perform as well as expected they can resit in the Summer.
Why should I take Creative iMedia?
Creative iMedia is great for students wanting to get a career in the creative digital industries (a growing industry in the UK) and who want to further their studies in this field in College. You’ll be able to get hands on with software and hardware (depending on the module) to create digital media such as digital graphics, videos, sounds websites etc.
The course allows you to experience the full process of creating digital media from initial concept and pre-production, through to creating the final product.
With 60% of your grade coming from coursework, this is a great course for those who are able to crack on and get on with their work and self motivate themselves.
Why might Creative iMedia not be a good idea for me?
If you don’t like working on computers, or creating digital media like graphics, websites or videos this probably isn’t the course for you.
If you aren’t self motivated this might not be the right course for you – 60% of your grade comes from your coursework which you have to put in the effort to do. Your teacher can’t do it for you.